Who We Are
Bob & Elaine Frobose have been owners of Frobose Meat Locker since 1999. At the time, Bob had over 30 years of experience in the meat business. Most recently he was the meat supervisor for 10 stores in a tri-state area for Miller’s Markets based in LaGrange, Indiana.

Family Owned
Bob and I were both raised on family farms in Wood County. Bob had experience at a young age raising cattle, hogs, and chickens. Our children have had the same experience.
FML is a family-owned and -operated business. Bob and I, our sons, Ben, Jacob, and Zach, and daughter Abby all work at our business in one way or another. We raise our own cattle on our family farm. The cattle are corn fed. They are given NO hormones or antibiotics. We raise the cattle to a finished weight and process them in our meat locker.
We are proud of the fact that we buy and sell locally- or Ohio-produced products. It is a pleasure meeting new customers and maintaining relationships with those who visit regularly. We will always strive to provide friendly and quality service to all who enter our doors.

Ready for Custom Processing?
Once your cow or pig arrives, you’ll need to submit a completed cut card. Save time by downloading so you can print and fill out at home.
Here’s what our customers have to say …
Why a Meat Locker?
FML is called meat locker because in our walk in freezer, we have individual lockers for you to rent. Each locker will hold approximately a quarter of beef. The lockers have a number and a key lock. The keys are kept in a safe spot at our business. We keep your name/address/phone number in a file along with your assigned locker number. Locker rent is paid on a per month basis.